Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Do's and Don'ts of Attending Your Mother's Wedding

Do take orders from the Groom.

Don't stand on a shaky ladder with no shoes on.

Do catch up with old friends.

Don't miss the chance to make new friends.

Do enjoy the artwork.

Don't get hairdo ideas from the artwork.

Do help the bride get ready.
Don't call the bride "Grandma"

Do have fun and make people laugh.

Don't dress up as a clown cuz it freaks Jeffy out.

Do use "kellybowbelly" flowers in the bride's hair.

Don't neglect to use them in the bouquet.

Do eat cake made by Jenny.

Don't expect the bride to eat any.

Do look forward to the future.

Don't forget the past.

Congrats to Mom and George.  
Married June 2, 2012